Gigamon Support

Layer 8 Solutions Customer Support

Toll Free: 1-855-4Layer8 (855-452-9378)


Layer 8 Solutions’ Gigamon Technical Support Program offers a broad range service and support solutions to help you confidently deploy and maintain your Gigamon solutions as you implement new technologies and architecture. Our Support Services Team is ready to support you with a wide array of programs to solve problems quickly, maintain high availability, and grow your Gigamon solution to meet business needs.


Layer 8 Technical Support Advantages

Professional Knowledge & Expertise

Layer 8 Solutions has over 10 years’ experience architecting & deploying Gigamon solutions and has worked with some of Canada’s largest Gigamon deployments. This enables us to provide expert assistance with your Gigamon Visibility Fabric support requirements.

Quality Support

Layer 8 Support works every support case from start to resolution. Our fully deployed Gigamon lab environment allows us to replicate scenarios, test configurations and design architectures for our every support case. In complex cases where Gigamon Engineering level access is required, the Layer 8 Solutions’ support team will liaise closely with Gigamon Support to provide quick and efficient case resolution.

Personalized Support

Our support team is located exclusively within Canada and strives to work closely with our customers. We maintain detailed asset lists and provide updates on relevant hardware and software revisions that are relevant to customer deployments, as well as monitoring end of support and end of sales dates.

In Country Spares

Layer 8 Solutions inventories in country spares of all customer hardware, that in case of a failure, the fastest time to resolution is ensured.

Varied Support Levels

Layer 8 Solutions offers various levels of support and SLAs to meet each customer’s need and operating requirement, including full 24x7x365 support by phone or email. See table below.


Service Spotlight :: Layer 8 Training

Layer 8 Solutions in partnership with Fastlane Training now offer Gigamon Premium Training to turn your team into Gigamon experts!

Contact Layer 8 Today!


65 King St. East
Brockville, Ontario
K6V 1B2
Toll Free 1-855-452-9378


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