Network Detention And Response:

The Cognito platform

Intelligent, AI-driven threat detection and response for cloud, SaaS, and on-prem footprints

Designed by an award-winning team of data scientists and threat researchers, the Cognito platform represents the rich, security-enriched data output of a holistic approach to security – capturing network metadata at scale, enriching it with machine learning-derived security information and flexibly applying it across Cognito products.

The right data with the right context



Detects attackers in real time and enriches threat investigations with a conclusive chain of evidence

Cognito Stream

Deliver scalable, security-enriched network metadata to feed custom detection and response tools

  • Actionable network data in Zeek format
  • Embedded with data science-derived security Insights
  • Associates network metadata with unique host attributes

Cognito Recall

AI-assisted threat hunting – from cloud and data center workloads to the enterprise

  • Custom-engineered investigative workbench optimized for Vectra metadata – delivering sub second searches at scale
  • Collect and store rich network metadata, relevant logs and cloud events in real-time
  • Perform retrospective threat hunting using security-enriched network metadata
  • Dive deep into incidents triggered by security tools to identify other host devices, accounts and attackers involved in an incident

Cognito Detect

The power of AI to detect and prioritize in-progress attacks in real-time

  • Automate manual processes and consolidate thousands of events and historical context to pinpoint hosts that pose the biggest threat
  • Enable automatic and manual enforcement directly from the Vectra platform or take action through existing security investments like orchestration, EDR and NAC solutions.
  • High-fidelity visibility into attacker behaviors across all public clouds, SaaS apps, private data centers and enterprise environments
  • Unique context eliminates the endless hunt-and-search for threats and enables immediate action

Contact Layer 8 For A Demo

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Service Spotlight :: Layer 8 Training

Layer 8 Solutions in partnership with Fastlane Training now offer Gigamon Premium Training to turn your team into Gigamon experts!

Contact Layer 8 Today!


65 King St. East
Brockville, Ontario
K6V 1B2
Toll Free 1-855-452-9378


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