
ExtraHop Networks

Everything transacts on the wire: from raw packets to the payloads of all application transactions.

Wire data is a deep and rich source that contains every conversation occurring on the network. Wire data provides an objective, “outside-looking-in” view across the entire application delivery chain. It serves as the most unbiased source of truth about the performance, effectiveness, and security of enterprise IT environments.

Vectra Networks

Vectra Networks provides a scalable distributed architecture to ensure customers can maintain full visibility of their networks regardless of their organizational size or physical distribution.

S-series sensors and X-series platforms provide the ability to scale to any size of network across geographically dispersed sites while delivering the centralized analysis, detection and correlation of threats so organizations have one unified view of their risk profile.


Gigamon® provides intelligent Traffic Visibility solutions for enterprises, data centers and service providers around the globe.

Our technology empowers infrastructure architects, managers and operators with unmatched visibility into the traffic traversing both physical and virtual networks without affecting the performance or stability of the production environment.


Ixia provides application performance and security resilience solutions to validate, secure, and optimize businesses’ physical and virtual networks.

Enterprises, service providers, network equipment manufacturers, and governments worldwide rely on Ixia’s solutions to deploy new technologies and achieve efficient, secure, ongoing operation of their networks. Ixia’s powerful and versatile solutions, expert global support, and professional services equip organizations to exceed customer expectations and achieve better business outcomes.


We help security teams ensure their security controls and processes are effective against real world attackers by continuously challenging their security controls and providing an automated way to reduce the risk of future breaches.

Service Spotlight :: Layer 8 Training

Layer 8 Solutions in partnership with Fastlane Training now offer Gigamon Premium Training to turn your team into Gigamon experts!

Contact Layer 8 Today!


65 King St. East
Brockville, Ontario
K6V 1B2
Toll Free 1-855-452-9378


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